Welcome to the website of ESG Leipzig! A christian student congregation.
An open house.
A colorful and joyfull community.
Laughing, caring about each other, celebrating God with mind and heart and being active and engaged in the matters of this world.
That’s who we are.
Are you curious?
Have a look around this site, contact us – or just come by.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Welcome to the ESG Leipzig website!

Nice that you have found us. Feel free to take a look around. In our events calendar, you will find all current events. We hope you will find some interesting and helpful information about who we are, whats going on right now, how you can find us, what makes us a Christian Student Congregation and how we organize ourselves.

If you want to know more, just drop by or send us a message or an email.

Position paper on the climate catastrophe and on activism

The Leipzig ESG stands in solidarity with the activists of the “last generation” and wants to support the position of the EKD and bishop Tobias Bilz of the Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Sachsens (EVLKS). Our position paper can soon be found here also in Englisch. We cordially invite all ESGs and church congregations to adopt this text and to sign it.

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Upcoming Events in the ESG Leipzig …

Working Groups

Grüner Daumen

Säen, pflanzen und ernten. Lust auf Hochbeet, Gemüse und Kräuter? Mach mit.


Eine Initiative von Theostudis aus Leipzig, die sich für mehr Diversität in der theologischen Lehre einsetzen.

Ökumenischer Bibelkreis & Taizégebet

Gemeinsame Lektüre der biblischen Texte. Gotteswort und Menschenwort? Nachfragen, verstehen, inspiriert werden. Meditativer Tagesausklang mit Taizégebet.


Romane, Dramen, Gedichte, von Goethe bis zu Sartre – Wir treffen uns in gemütlicher Atmosphäre bei Käse und Wein.


Hast Du Spaß am Singen? Wir laden Dich herzlich ein, zur Chorprobe bei uns vorbeizuschauen!


Gespräche und Ausflüge, gemeinsames Essen und Kennenlernen – ohne Barrieren kannst Du Dich hier vielfältig Einbringen und Ausleben.

We are searching for …

A bad joke
Forms of resistance against capitalism

Friend Communities and Groups in Leipzig

Bible verse of the day

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.