
As a Christian student community, common spirituality is a central part of our community life. (Almost) every Sunday, we meet at 7:00 pm to celebrate a service with a Holy Communion (please check the calendar für current information). It is organized by students (usually by the assigned service Vs) and the pastor. We heartily invite you to participate or contribute with your ideas. Afterwards we sometimes meet to watch a movie together or to chat at the bar.

Every Wednesday at 8:30 pm we meet for a Taizé prayer. Every Tuesday, some of us start the day with a morning prayer at 7:30 am. A special spiritual event is the ecumenical semester opening worship (ÖSEG) in the University Church (Paulineum) in the beginning of each semester. Following, we and other Christian communities and groups present ourselves and get together. Furthermore, once a semester we celebrate a common ecumenical Taizé prayer.

For more information about our activities, please visit our event calendar.

Pastoral Care

„Cura animarum“ means the care of the soul and is an old term for pastoral care or counseling. Yet, it points to an essential aspect of our being human.

Christian living and talking is marked by social engagement and pastoral attentiveness.

Surely it is useful, when our soul is taking care of on a regular basis, however, sometimes there is the urgent need to talk to somebody, to have somebody who listens, who might offer an encouraging word or a helpful advice, someone who will speak a prayer.

I am happy to offer counseling or pastoral care, confidential talks and spiritual guidance on short term or long term basis. You can call under 0341/2475904 or email at „pfarrer[bei]esg-leipzig.de“.